1. intricate (adj) 複雜的
The book is covered with intricately hand-tooled sheep- or goatskin.
2. painstaking (adj) 小心的
She is not clever but she is painstaking.
3. penmanship (n.) 筆法
You can see his flawless penmanship.
4. stash (v.) (n.) 藏匿
He keeps his money stashed away under the bed.
5. blister(v.)起水泡 blistering hot 酷熱
New shoes always give me blisters.
6. byword (n.) 同義字
Their shops are a byword for good value.
7. disintegrate (v.) destroy; damage
The spacecraft disintegrated as it entered the Earth's atmosphere.
8. salvage (v.) salvageable 搶救
They mounted a salvage operation after the flood.